Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sing a Song

Jukebox Pete: "Love in You Arms" by eleventyseven

This song has kind of a techno voice to it but it's catchy and it is a good song to run to or do sports too... it gives that extra bit of energy... so go crazy!

Jukebox Christmas Jingle: "Sleigh Ride" by Relient K

--From their Christmas album - Let it Snow Baby...Let it Reindeer.
I like their take on Christmas songs, I recommend this cd for all those that want to rock out to their favourite Christmas classics...
Hooray for animation!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow means Snomobiling

Now that snow has arrived... check out this video I took in March 2008 down in the field by my house: it is my friend doing a catwalk with his snomobile. Sweet stuff, eh?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Almost Christmas time!

This week's Jukebox Pete brings to you two songs (a Christmas song as a bonus)

Jukebox Pete: "Old Fashioned Girl" by Jaydee Bixby
Up first is the Jukebox Pete's first ever country song to be featured and it comes from an artist who is the same age as myself (18). He came second on the Canadian Idol competition last year and this past summer he released his debut album which has been a success! His singles "Old Fashioned Girl"(song featured) and "Boys in the Band" have climbed the charts! This guy is young and has a long career ahead of himself. I did have a ticket for his concert (he was to play across the street from where I live), but for some unknown reason it got cancelled... someday I would like to go to his show and be entertained.

Jukebox Pete Christmas Countdown: "Christmas Shoes" by F.M. Static

As Christmas is coming in just weeks, a bonus Christmas song will be featured. I have some great songs to share with you and I hope you enjoy this one. And if there is any song out of all the Jukebox Pete songs that you would like, I can send you the MP3 if you ask me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

UFC: Lesnar Era Begins...

I thought I would comment on tonight's fight (UFC 91):

So tonight I went to a local bar/restaurant and watched the big match between the UFC Hall of Famer, Randy Couture, and The Brock (Lesnar). So I cheered for Couture because he's the underdog in the situation: Lesnar has 6 inches of reach on him, Lesnar weights 45 lbs more than him, and Lesnar is 31 (14 years younger than him). Couture's advantage? His experience and smart gameplay... That took him til round 2 where He got a blow to the back of the head, which knocked him to the ground and Lesnar layed the beats... the End... Lesnar wins in round 2 and ties the record of his opponent for winning Heavyweight Championship in his fourth fight.

This is the beginning of the Lesnar Era... but is it the end of Couture? At age 45, Couture may be finished... we shall see!

Here's a video of one of my favourite UFC fighters--- George St.Pierre

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Call it torture, call it uni-versity...

Jukebox Pete: "College Kids" by Relient K

This week's song comes off Relient K's "Two lefts don't make a right...but three do" cd. This song is a shout-out to all those in university or college. ENJOY!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Scooter Roller Palace

This past thursday night I hopped on a bus with 14 other students and we went to a mystery destination... all of a sudden we were approaching Toronto and had no idea where we were going or what we were doing... all we knew was that it was suppose to be fun.

We ended up at Scooter's Roller Palace in Missasauga! crazy! It was old school roller skating! It was my first time and it was actually a good time. It took a while to get the hang of it but I recommend for you to go out and try it sometime.

Here's a video of a pro roller skater showing off his moves... who knows? Maybe someday that could be you or I doing that.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shoot some Hoops!

Check out some hoop shooting that was done in part to raise money for the Heart & Stroke Foundation... Hoops For Heart.

This event took place at my high school on October 31st, 2007. Check out the basketball action! As it was Halloween, the 3 on 3 basketball teams were dressed in various costumes and the tournament was a success.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Jukebox Pete hits up 2 songs!

Jukebox Pete is coming at you with two songs this time because I missed last week's (sorry)...

First Song: "Fly Away" by the Grits (featuring Mac Powell)

I appreciate all kinds of music and I haven't featured a hip/hop/rap/r&b type of song yet and I've been listening to this song a lot lately and just thought I would share it!
The singer from the band Third Day sings it as well and it really just might give you goosebumps or make your soul warm up. Enjoy it and tell me what you think!

Second Song: "New Way to be Human" by Switchfoot

Another type of song I have not featured is the song of which I got the title for this blog from: New Way to be Human. New Way to be Human is the title track from Switchfoot's third album and was rewritten almost 50 times until the lead singer, Jon Foreman, was satisfied.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Each year at high school there was an all day floor hockey tournament and last year when I was in my final year, the team I was apart of won! With no delay, here is "Team Dynasty" the movie preview: